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Upgrade Your Cycle

Gea is a reusable and smart menstrual cup that allows you to live your period without limitations.  

Easier, healthier and greener

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Watch the video and find out more

Cómo funciona

How It Works

Step 1

Insert the cup

Insert the cup with the help of the applicator.

Gea unfolds and stays in place thanks to the slight suction effect.

Step 2

Check the status of the cup

You will receive a notification on your smartphone when it is time to empty it.

You can also log in to the app and check how full it is.

Remember that you can use it up to 12 hours at a time.

Step 3

Empty and repeat

Insert the applicator to hold the cup, remove it from your body, empty its content, and insert the applicator to reposition the cup again.



Save money 
Save our planet

2 years of products for the period


528 products

1 GeaCup

last 10 years

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No dryness
No infections

Made with medical grade silicone


No leaks
No Worries

The app will tell you the status of your cup so you can focus on what is important 

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Everything else

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Smart cup with applicator


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Your opinion matters

¿What do you think about Gea cup? 

Leave us any comments you want, it can be about what you like, what are your concerns, or literally anything! 


Your comment will be completely anonymous and will help us to constantly improve our product.


Thank you in advance for taking the time to do so.

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Thank you for your comments!


Let us make it better

Are you in your menstrual cycle? 

If you are interested in acquiring a Gea Cup or if you simply liked the idea, leave us your email and we will let you know the launching date

Thank you for your support!

Contact Details

Paulina Gómez Vieco 

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+353 831028655

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